Msg #4006:
Msg #4024:
Msg #4011:
Msg #4012:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

ASHA's vision is making effective communication, a human right, accessible and achievable for all. Effective communication access benefits everyone's health and well-being. Communication access is especially critical for people with hearing, communication, and/or cognitive difficulties, who often experience barriers to care. When individuals with communication disabilities do not have access to the accommodations or technology that they need, it can lead to adverse events and poorer health outcomes. Visit our booth to learn more about how audiologists and speech-language pathologists collaborate with family physicians and patients to support effective communication access for better health outcomes.

Msg #4016:
Msg #4017:
Msg #4018:
Msg #4019:
Msg #4020:
Msg #4730: